Colors in Different Languages

As part of my specialization/job, I decided to learn the name of colors in different languages. It’s not as hard as I imagined but it takes practice. Since I constantly use them, I try to name them in the languages that I learned. That’s how I practiced.

I made a table to compare and make it easier for all of you (especially those of you who are interested in learning them). What made me eager to learn in the first place is that whatever country I visit, I drop by any art and craft store to look at the available tool. I purchase what I find interesting and search for new tools all the time.

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I’ll post photos for some of the paints I bought from Japan, and Turkey:

I bought those paints from Turkey
I bought those from Japan




Instagram: Anwaar.saleh

Twitter: Anwaar_saleh

Snapchat: Artistakw